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Innhold om Java

Totalt 25 innlegg

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Slutt med Java

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Vegard Veiset

Java er død, lenge leve JVMen!

@Transactional demystified

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Tia Firing

Extend your super knowledge on Generics

Artikkel (18 min)
Fra Rune Flobakk

We all know and appreciate Java Generics. It enables us to say "oh, this is a List of Strings", "oh, this is a Comparator for Integers", and the compiler will forbid you to add numbers to your list, or sorting your List of Strings by comparing Integers. Because it does not make sense. Before Generics was introduced in Java 5.0 in 2004, nothing was stopping you from expressing these nonsensical actions, and things would blow up when running your program, instead of being told already when writing the code that there is no way this will work.

Code as data, Java edition

Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Rafael Winterhalter

So long, Java 8

Artikkel (2 min)
Fra Sindre Nordbø

Or –– how to upgrade your code base from JDK 8 to 11 and beyond.

Garbage collection

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Nicklas Utgaard

Garbage collection (GC) has been one of Java's most compelling features since its inception. Allowing developers to focus on the core functionality of their application instead of memory management.

What's new in Java 12, 13 and 14, part II

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Sindre Nordbø

A couple of days ago, we had a look at two new features in Java 13 and 14. In today's article, we'll cover some more goodies arriving in the near future.

Java ❤️ Kotlin

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra John Ringø

It's time to get on the fun train. Start simple by introducing small pieces of Kotlin into your existing Java code.

What's new in Java 12, 13 and 14, part I

Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Sindre Nordbø

The release cycle of Java has changed quite dramatically recently, meaning we're getting new features at a more rapid pace than earlier. If you still hadn't had the time to read up on what's been going on the last releases, look no further!

Managing multiple installations of Java on a Mac

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Even Holthe

With the new release cadence of Java and vendor landscape, managing multiple versions of Java can become a tedious task. However, tooling exists to make your life simpler.

Debugging Streams in IntelliJ

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Sindre Nordbø

Have you ever found it hard to debug Streams in Java? Allow me to introduce you to a very powerful tool in IntelliJ IDEA; Mr. Stream Trace.

Use your time wisely! Run tests in parallel

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Ole Reidar Holm

Have you ever been annoyed that your tests take an incredibly long time? I have. A simple trick can save time by running (almost) all your tests in parallel.

Good ol’ I/O streams

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Rune Flobakk

No, not the Stream API introduced in Java 8, but the API for stream-based I/O which has been part of the JDK since Java 1.0. That is even older than the Collections Framework, which you had to wait until Java 1.2 to be available. And as with the Java Collections, even though the java.io API is quite dated, it is still heavily in use. InputStreams and OutputStreams are passed around, and consumed and written to, also in applications which are written nowadays.

Persistent job scheduling without Quartz

Artikkel (2 min)
Fra Even Holthe

Have you ever had the need for scheduling background tasks but always wanted a more lightweight alternative to Quartz Scheduler?

What's new in Java 11

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Tia Firing