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Bendik Solheim

8 innlegg

Mitt hobbyprosjekt: Terminal-emulator

Hobby, Rust
Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Har du noen gang vært nysgjerrig på hvordan en terminal-emulator fungerer? Ikke? Det er fullstendig forståelig. Jeg, derimot, jeg har klart å la meg fange i en verden som kan spores tilbake til langt før den moderne datamaskinen så dagens lys, der enkle konsepter kombineres for å lage avanserte verktøy!

Test data generators in Kotlin

Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Not too long ago I came across this pattern that helped me with a longstanding problem I have had when writing tests: generating valid test data without spending half of your day instantiating domain models. Now, I’ve had this idea before, but I’ve never actually ended up testing it. That changes today, because from now this is easily my go to method of creating valid test data.

React – et hjertesukk

React, Utvikling
Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Ahh, React. Min gode venn gjennom mange år. Jeg skal være ærlig: forholdet vårt starta litt turbulent. Jeg var usikker på om det å blande HTML inn i Javascripten egentlig var noen god idé. Det tok faktisk et par år før du klarte å overbevise meg! Men du var heldigvis tålmodig. For det som starta som en skepsis viste seg å etter hvert til å bli til en aldri så liten forelskelse! Ohh boy!

Cross platform CLIs with Swift

Apputvikling, Utvikling
Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Swift is mostly known as «that language people use to make iPhone apps». And while the two certainly are a good match, Swift is not really tied to the iPhone anymore. Let’s see how it performs as a language for making cross platform CLIs!

Functional TypeScript With fp-ts

Artikkel (11 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

I have a confession to make. I actually enjoy JavaScript.

Characteristics of the Perfect Programming Language

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

This is an opinionated post. Consider yourself warned. You will probably disagree with at least some of it, and that is completely fine. The important part is the thought process – don’t just read through it and agree or disagree, think about what you agree or disagree with and why. Becoming aware of these things is valuable: once you become aware of why you dislike something, you can start doing something about it.

Merry Functional Christmas

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Immutable by default

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

You should always strive to make, and make use of, immutable data structures. Even if your domain is inherently mutable (like most domains, really), there are quite a few pitfalls that can give you headaches later on if you also use mutable data structures. Many of them are avoidable simply by making it harder to accidentally modify data.