Fredrik Stenbro
2 innlegg
A short recap on polyfills
Maybe you’ve heard of Fetch? The promise-based Web API for making network requests in the browser, and a favourite amongst developers. If you paste fetch(‘’) into the Chrome DevTools console and run it you can take a closer look at how it works. Sadly, you can’t do the same in Internet Explorer. It won’t work. That is because Internet Explorer has not implemented support for Fetch. Or Promise for that matter.
Maybe you’ve heard of Fetch? The promise-based Web API for making network requests in the browser, and a favourite amongst developers. If you paste fetch(‘’) into the Chrome DevTools console and run it you can take a closer look at how it works. Sadly, you can’t do the same in Internet Explorer. It won’t work. That is because Internet Explorer has not implemented support for Fetch. Or Promise for that matter.
9 new features in ES2019
This year the 10th version of the ECMAScript Language Specification was released, often referred to simply as ES2019. Let’s take a closer look at what new features we got and how we can put them to use.
This year the 10th version of the ECMAScript Language Specification was released, often referred to simply as ES2019. Let’s take a closer look at what new features we got and how we can put them to use.