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Geir Sagberg

4 innlegg

Auth is hard and Kotlin is crazy!

Kotlin, Sikkerhet
Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Geir Sagberg

I started my career as a developer in 2011. Soon I came upon the problem of a user proving who they are, and what they’re allowed to do. Seemed hard, but I reasoned I would get the hang of it quickly. That didn’t really happen. Authentication is hard. Authorization is harder. But. New tools and services make things easier. And today I will share a tiny crazy Kotlin tidbit that made my day a bit easier.

Let Alfred accelerate your actions!

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Geir Sagberg

Say you want to open a project in VS Code, or in IntelliJ IDEA, or maybe you want to navigate to one of several projects in Google Cloud. If you are currently spending more than five seconds to find what you are looking for, this blog post is for you.

Wrap up your CSS with Stitches!

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Geir Sagberg

Have you ever struggled with CSS? Have you found it hard to structure a large CSS codebase, even when using methodologies like BEM or OOCSS? Have you tried using CSS-in-JS solutions, but struggled with the setup or lack of typing? Or maybe you've used Tailwind, but find the initial bundle size intimidating, or the tooling to reduce it too complex? Stitches is a new CSS-in-JS library from Modulz and Christian Alfoni, creator of Cerebral and Overmind. It promises "Near-zero runtime, server-side rendering, multi-variant support, and best-in-class developer experience." We'll take a look at what this means, and how Stitches compares to existing CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components, Emotion and Material UI.

The Magic of TypeScript

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Geir Sagberg

I like TypeScript. I also like Magic the Gathering. What if we combine them; can the magical domain of planeswalkers and spells help us understand the awesome but advanced type system of TypeScript?