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Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

    4 innlegg

    Ikke spar Post Mortemer til det virkelig smeller

    Artikkel (9 min)
    Fra Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

    Post Mortemer er et kjent konsept etterhvert, men gjøres alt for sjeldent.

    Et forsøk på å løse “hvem eier den tjenesten der?” med noen tommelfingerregler og backstage 👍👎

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

    Et forsøk på å løse “hvem eier den tjenesten der?” med noen tommelfingerregler og backstage 👍👎

    Getting started with load testing through locust

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

    Have you heard about load testing but never really got started? Maybe you’re deploying an app to Kubernetes and have to fill out “cpu and memory requirements” and don't know how to recreate user activity? Or you’ve implemented a new feature but you’re unsure how your API handles it? Load testing is here to save you! Here's a simple quick start guide to locust to get you started.

    Cloud Janitors

    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

    Cloud environments quickly grow in size. There’s tons of services and we start utilizing SaaS solutions for different problems. Solving problems through infrastructure and SaaS is after all one of the main reasons we're in the cloud in the first place.