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Hans-Christian Fjeldberg-Gustavson

    4 innlegg

    CSS Container Queries

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Hans-Christian Fjeldberg-Gustavson

    Web har alltid vært en plattform hvor innholdet må tilpasse seg forskjellige skjermer og skjermteknologier. Media queries har gjort det mulig for oss å tilpasse designet vårt til denne hverdagen, men i en hverdag hvor vi skriver flere og flere komponenter strekker ikke media queries alltid til. Møt CSS container queries, et nytt standard-forslag som endelig skal la oss kode komponenter uavhengig av resten av designet!

    CSS Accessibility - you make me sick!

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Hans-Christian Fjeldberg-Gustavson

    Yesterday, we showed how to empower our users to stop our long running animations. But why force our users to manually stop animations, when they are screaming at us that they do not want animations!

    CSS Accessibility - get a move on, then stop!

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Hans-Christian Fjeldberg-Gustavson

    Animations can be what sets your website apart, and really makes your users happy. It shows that you have gone that extra mile to create something really special, often with great care, and oftentimes, depending on the animation, with great effort.

    CSS Accessibility - keeping focus

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Hans-Christian Fjeldberg-Gustavson

    Did you know that you might be required by law to create accessible websites? In many countries, government agencies has been required to create websites that comply with WCAG 2.0 for a long time, and in for instance Norway, this requirement also apply for private companies. For a general introduction to accessibility, I recommend reading the article from day 6 in our UX Christmas calendar, and to see all the technical tidbits involved, I recommend going through the checklist found at https://www.wuhcag.com/wcag-checklist/. As this is a CSS Christmas calendar, let’s focus on the stuff we control using CSS, and today, it is all about keeping focus!