Håvard Hvassing
12 innlegg
Hvordan spenne beina på et IT-prosjekt? (Del 3 av 3) - Abstraksjoner
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
Hvordan spenne beina på et IT-prosjekt? (Del 2 av 3) - Motstridende forretningsmål
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
Hvordan spenne beina på et IT-prosjekt? (Del 1 av 3) - Hyppige endringer av kravspekken
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk.
The building blocks of compelling arguments
Do you get convinced by spreadsheets with inarguable and objective facts? Imagine a talk where the presenter lists facts, from behind a lectern, at a comedy conference. It is hard to picture this would sway the listeners. What does it take to create a compelling and convincing talk?
Do you get convinced by spreadsheets with inarguable and objective facts? Imagine a talk where the presenter lists facts, from behind a lectern, at a comedy conference. It is hard to picture this would sway the listeners. What does it take to create a compelling and convincing talk?
Hva er framtiden for strømmetjenester?
Hvordan organiserer RiksTV seg for innovasjon i et produktteam?
Hvorfor innovere når gründere uansett vinner?
Hvorfor innovere når internettgigantene uansett vinner?
GROW your presentations
Presentations can be a powerful tool for setting common goals and encouraging action, much in the same way a coach will create a better team.
Presentations can be a powerful tool for setting common goals and encouraging action, much in the same way a coach will create a better team.
The Takahashi-method
Showing code in presentations
Showing the audience a snippet of code can be an easy way of getting a complex concept across. Bekk being a tech-company it is inevitable that we will have to show code in our presentations at some point, which often leads to the question; how do I make my code look good?
Showing the audience a snippet of code can be an easy way of getting a complex concept across. Bekk being a tech-company it is inevitable that we will have to show code in our presentations at some point, which often leads to the question; how do I make my code look good?
Mastering lightning talks
Short and succinct presentations conveying a message crafted with flawless precision. Accompanied by a set number of slides shown for a limited time. Presenters pacing their speech to line up with perfection as the next slide appears. Lightning talks are like regular talks. Only on steroids.
Short and succinct presentations conveying a message crafted with flawless precision. Accompanied by a set number of slides shown for a limited time. Presenters pacing their speech to line up with perfection as the next slide appears. Lightning talks are like regular talks. Only on steroids.