Joakim Gyllenskepp
2 innlegg
Maintainable React components with Typescript
I often find myself coming into code bases that I haven't worked with before to fix a bug or add some new feature. This is honestly more often that not quite challenging.
I often find myself coming into code bases that I haven't worked with before to fix a bug or add some new feature. This is honestly more often that not quite challenging.
Blending color codes with mix-blend-modes
This day is going to be all about blending colors, or rather how you can do blending in CSS with mix-blend-mode! Those of you that have limited experience playing around with colors may wonder what blending is. It’s quite simple, blending is when you mix two colors together in order to get a new color - and yes, it’s exactly like when you played around with color tubes in kindergarten!
This day is going to be all about blending colors, or rather how you can do blending in CSS with mix-blend-mode! Those of you that have limited experience playing around with colors may wonder what blending is. It’s quite simple, blending is when you mix two colors together in order to get a new color - and yes, it’s exactly like when you played around with color tubes in kindergarten!