Johan Andre Lundar
2 innlegg
Get your client side reports together!
SikkerhetArtikkel (5 min)Fra Johan Andre Lundar13.12.2019
Reporting API. That sounds really cool! Or really boring you say? This is one of the W3C-drafts that may not have gotten the attention it deserves so let's take a look!
Reporting API. That sounds really cool! Or really boring you say? This is one of the W3C-drafts that may not have gotten the attention it deserves so let's take a look!
CSP - done right
SikkerhetArtikkel (3 min)Fra Johan Andre Lundar04.12.2019
Okey, so you want to secure your app with a CSP-policy. Great! But where to start and what to do if some parts of your app is out of your control?
Okey, so you want to secure your app with a CSP-policy. Great! But where to start and what to do if some parts of your app is out of your control?