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Julie Hill Roa

4 innlegg

The data you give

Artikkel (10 min)
Fra Julie Hill Roa

He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you ‘we been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. This is a line of a popular Christmas song. It obviously refers to Santa Claus. However… What if this is true, not only for Santa, but for large companies worldwide. We’ll take a closer look on the data you give and the repercussions.

🎶On the third day of christmas a developer sent to me.. 3 React security tips!

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Julie Hill Roa

As frontend developers, our focus is on the users experience in our application. How fast and efficient the application is and how smooth the functionality can be. We all might say security on our minds, but we often rely on somebody else to handle this. Luckily, modern web frameworks, like React, come with built-in security against one of the dangers of the web – Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. But what does React actually defend us from and more importantly what does it not?

Can you feel the Suspense?!

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Julie Hill Roa

Suspense is and will become a game changer when it comes to data fetching. It changes the way we structure our code, think about loading states and gives a better experience for both the developers and the users' interface.

Oh, the Suspense!

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Julie Hill Roa

The American dictionary states that suspense means a feeling of excitement while waiting for something uncertain to happen. So, let’s get excited and learn about React.Suspense and how this helps us wait for something uncertain!