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Kristina Skåtun

    3 innlegg

    Jotai: Build Your State with Atom Precision

    Artikkel (6 min)
    Fra Kristina Skåtun

    Have you ever felt frustrated managing the state of your application? Common challenges include unnecessary re-renders, prop-drilling, or a lot of boilerplate to manage even simple states. Jotai provides an elegant and simple solution to a lot of these challenges, building a easy, boilerplate-free and global state using atoms.

    Ransomware – How to stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Kristina Skåtun

    Ransomware is extremely costly and difficult to get rid of, and once your files are encrypted you may have lost that data permanently. Giving in to the ransom demand is expensive, gives no guarantee that your data will be restored, and only encourages cybercriminals to keep attacking and extorting money from individuals and companies alike. Clearly, the best way to deal with the increased rise in ransomware attacks is to implement solid preventative measures to avoid getting infected in the first place. And, if the worst should happen and all your files do get encrypted, to have alternative ways of restoring your data.

    Ransomware - a Devastating Form of Digital Extortion

    Artikkel (8 min)
    Fra Kristina Skåtun

    We live in a digital era where the most precious commodity no longer is oil or gold, but data. But what if this data, including personal files, customer lists and company data, flight traffic information, or even sensitive hospital records were stolen? What would you do, or pay, to get it back?