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Marte Dybendal Gleditsch

    3 innlegg

    5 things I have learned in my first months as a React Native developer

    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Marte Dybendal Gleditsch

    Hi, my name is Marte and I decided five montsh ago that I wanted to pursue a career within front-end development to get closer to the products and users. At that point in time I was working with strategy and business development, which I also studied for six years. The journey that has led me from being a management consultant to a developer has been filled with confusion, feeling of achievement, stupid questions, not so stupid questions, bad code and good code. And it is true what they say; the learning curve is steep! I will take you through some of the learnings I have encountered during my first months as a developer.

    Er det utfordrende å jobbe i tverrfaglige team?

    Podkast (7 min)
    Fra Snorre Handeland Gryte, Marte Dybendal Gleditsch, Sondre H. Graver

    Fra Excel-magiker og PowerPoint-akrobat til vaskeekte utvikler, hvordan er det å gå fra forretningsutvikler til utviker? Er tverrfaglighet vanskelig når man skal utvikle produkter? Vi prater om hva som er viktig for å oppnå velfungerende, tverrfaglig team med perspektiver både fra forretnings- og systemutvikleren. Sondre H. Graver, Marte Gleditsch og Snorre Gryte tar praten over en kaffe.

    Gitmoji - Yay or Nay?

    Open source
    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Marte Dybendal Gleditsch

    Version control software is an essential part of modern-day software developer practices, and Git is by far the most used system. However, the amount of commits, pull requests and activity in general may be huge, and reduce the value of the git history. The Open Source project Gitmoji is a standardized emoji guide for your commit messages which enables you to assign an emoji at the beginning of commits. It even comes with an interactive client that lets you access the emojis through your command line. Although emojis are always fun, the question arises; is it just a gimmick or does it add any value? Overview of Gitmojis: https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me