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Miina Lervik

    5 innlegg

    How to Excel in .Net

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Miina Lervik

    A step by step guide to how to create one centralized Excel generator in .Net

    Failsafe caching in dotnet with ZiggyCreatures Fushion Cashe

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Miina Lervik

    I've tried out FusionCache and really liked it so I wrote this article to show you how to use their failsafe caching mechanism.

    A smarter way of using T[keyof T]

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Miina Lervik

    In this article I will show how you can infer the value of a property in any object with generic typescript. This articles assumes you are already familiar with generics in typescript.

    How to lazy render large data tables to up performance

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Miina Lervik

    When working with large tables with many rows and columns you might find that your application is starting to lag. Especially if your table has a lot of custom styles, clickable rows or sortable columns, rendering can become an issue. In this post I'll show you how you can lazy render your table to make it fast and snappy!

    Create a generic table with React and Typescript

    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Miina Lervik

    When I first started out with Typescript I found it very difficult to create the correct types when making generic components. In this article we will create a generic Table component that can be used with any set of objects.