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Nicolai August Hagen

    15 innlegg

    Hvorfor du bør være opptatt av påvirkning

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Developers, assemble! Influence your managers in three different ways.

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Dear developer. Have you ever felt that you never get assigned time to work on important upgrades in your code base? Perhaps you during the long nights dream of safer rollout pipelines, major refactorings or prolonged security patches? Look no further. In this article, you will be provided with three concrete tips on how to get the geeky stuff prioritized by people like your product owner!

    De tre retoriske appellformene

    Soft skills
    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Time for a New Year's resolution?

    Artikkel (1 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Thank you for joining our calendar this December. We truly hope you have gotten inspired by our reflections, ideas and learnings. Now, it's Christmas Eve, and the story of Cinderella will soon reveal itself once again. Relax. During December, we hope to have given you a tiny spark in the back of your head. Share more with others, try presenting more, in the year to come. We promise you that it will be worth it!

    How to improve your digital presentations (pt. 2)

    Artikkel (6 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    If you planned for doing a presentation or two in 2020, as with the vacation plans, it might not have gone quite as planned. We have asked people in Bekk what their favourite tips and tricks are when presenting digitally. What new possibilities arises? In this article, we summarize our main findings in 12 concrete tips. Enjoy!

    Keep your audience engaged!

    Artikkel (4 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    There are many ways to make sure that your audience is following along as you present. Here comes a few learning points we had from analyzing different talks, both our own talks, the king of Norway, and many many others 👑

    Recreational talk analysis

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Mondays. Mondays may be the time for contemplation and relaxation after the first working day of the week. However, Mondays may also be a good time to find your favourite position in the sofa, lean back and learn talk skills from others presenting. This blog post introduces talk analysis as a tool to be a become a better presenter yourself.

    Why spend time teaching others?

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Home-baked Hooks

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen, Markus Rauhut

    About a year ago, Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov presented one of the most exciting new features in React: Hooks. Release 16.8 introduced several alternatives that can be used directly (e.g. useState, useEffect and some others), but also provided the possibility to create your very own hooks – Custom Hooks.

    Not breaking the web

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Did you know that JavaScript is the world's NO. 1 most popular language? At least according to Github and Stack Overflow it is. As a developer, that is a huge reason to get to know it better, wouldn't you say?

    Last Sunday of Advent

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    All I want for Christmas is the great JavaScript sword 🎅

    The secret

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Yeah. I know! Me too. I was also shocked when hearing this for the first time.


    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Meet the beautiful first class citizen of JavaScript. The function. And all it's declarations.

    Coercion and equality checks

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Have you ever wondered what the real difference is between == and === ?

    Don't break the web

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Nicolai August Hagen

    Did you know that you can reload the current webpage in over 500 different ways?