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Ola Claussen

    8 innlegg

    Boundary objects - Design for Collaboration

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    As a designer, you should know what boundary objects are. Not necessarily to make you a better designer, but because a large portion of what you're already doing as a designer is probably to make boundary objects. At least this applies to me as an interaction designer working in a product team.

    From all of us, to all of you a very merry Bekk.Christmas!

    Artikkel (8 min)
    Fra Vikki Walle-Hansen, Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk, Ola Claussen, Kirstine Gyring

    Det er femte året vi gjennomfører Bekk Christmas, men det er første året vi har samlet hele fagmiljøet under én paraply. Og for et fagmiljø det er. Folk har poddet, progget, skrevet om fag, personlige erfaringer, tutorials, kakeoppskrifter – for en vanvittig fin bredde vi har hos folka våre!

    How many designers do you need to open a door?

    Artikkel (6 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    A Christmas Eve of Design 🎅

    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    Finally Christmas Eve! Hopefully, this calendar has made the Christmas advent a little more interesting. This year with both harde og myke pakker which Kjersti Bjelkarøy has written about. That you might have learned something new from the calendar or got some tips and tricks for yourself or your team. Maybe it has contributed to Ease the wait for Christmas Eve?

    Design and emotions

    Artikkel (2 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    The other day, a group of designers here at Bekk was so lucky to get a super interesting presentation about emotions from a psychologist. The Psychologist was Lars Hære.

    Getting to know The Wizard of Oz

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    A story about trying to use the Wizard of OZ method adding new functionality to our client’s product.

    A UX calendar to ease the wait for Christmas Eve!

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Ola Claussen

    Welcome to this year's UX advent calendar! Last year was the premier for ux.christmas and this year we are doing it again. 24 days, 24 articles. Windows of inspiration, facts, a little insight into our world, and other things that we have worked with during this strange year of 2020. Herman is going to tell you a little about Figma. Citona and Sigurd share 5 things they wish they knew about working as a UX designer before they started, and Espen is writing about inspiration.

    Hva skjedde på fagdagen?

    Podkast (13 min)
    Fra Stian Surén, Valentina Sørlie, Ola Claussen

    Det var en mystisk stand på sommer-fagdagen som tilsynelatende ønsket å A/B-teste en ny ansattliste-app... Men hva var det egentlig som ble testet? Vi snakker litt om hypotesetesting, design av eksperimenter og er så vidt innom signifikans.