Sara Waaler Eriksen
2 innlegg
Sikkerhetskultur spiser policy til frokost!
En god sikkerhetskultur er verdt en bunke med policies og litt til.
En god sikkerhetskultur er verdt en bunke med policies og litt til.
Why is securing critical infrastructure so difficult?
Critical infrastructures are, as the name suggests, critical to society and have in recent years become increasingly more digitalized. Such infrastructures include electric power, electronic communication, transport, as well as water supply and sewage. They are essential for the maintenance of societal functions that you and I depend on in our daily lives, and a disruption can paralyze a society and at worst lead to loss of life. Here, we will try to explain why critical infrastructures are especially difficult to secure against cyber attacks.
Critical infrastructures are, as the name suggests, critical to society and have in recent years become increasingly more digitalized. Such infrastructures include electric power, electronic communication, transport, as well as water supply and sewage. They are essential for the maintenance of societal functions that you and I depend on in our daily lives, and a disruption can paralyze a society and at worst lead to loss of life. Here, we will try to explain why critical infrastructures are especially difficult to secure against cyber attacks.