Simen Fonnes
2 innlegg
Error Handling in Kotlin Without Exceptions
In this article, we compare error handling methods in Kotlin; specifically: exceptions, Either, and Result.
In this article, we compare error handling methods in Kotlin; specifically: exceptions, Either, and Result.
Reducing boilerplate code in Elm with Maybe.andThen
Working with the Maybe type in Elm may result in excessive pattern matching because Elm forces us to handle all possible outcomes. In this article, we investigate how the Maybe.andThen function can be used to improve readability by reducing unnecessary pattern matching and boilerplate code.
Working with the Maybe type in Elm may result in excessive pattern matching because Elm forces us to handle all possible outcomes. In this article, we investigate how the Maybe.andThen function can be used to improve readability by reducing unnecessary pattern matching and boilerplate code.