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Sissel Fladby van Woensel Kooy

3 innlegg

Gi et tekstlig alternativ for alt innhold!

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Sissel Fladby van Woensel Kooy

Når vi lager digitale tjenester må vi sikre at de kan oppfattes av alle! Det innebærer at vi gir tekst til blant annet bilder, lyd, inputelementer, knapper. Her dechiffrerer vi WCAG 1.1.1, slik at du slipper å tolke regelverket selv!

Reusing existing JavaScript-code in your React app

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Sissel Fladby van Woensel Kooy

A couple of years ago, a colleague and I created a small JavaScript application to toy around with some image processing techniques. I really enjoyed the project, and the other day I decided put the same functionality in my new React code. One way of doing this would be to rewrite the whole thing, and to be honest, it probably would not have been that much work. But it got me thinking, how would I go about injecting the already written code into my React application? I haven't done anything like this before, and if you haven't either, this is a blog post for you!

Optimize your app by being Lazy

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Sissel Fladby van Woensel Kooy

What is lazy loading, and why should you do it?