Stian Daazenko
3 innlegg
Combining OCAI and The Three Cultures Model
How to describe organizational culture has long been a topic of much debate. Evaluating whether an organizational culture should be altered has been so as well. This article explores if combining two recognized cultural frameworks is worthwhile when describing and evaluating organizational cultures.
How to describe organizational culture has long been a topic of much debate. Evaluating whether an organizational culture should be altered has been so as well. This article explores if combining two recognized cultural frameworks is worthwhile when describing and evaluating organizational cultures.
Kan gode kundeopplevelser true lønnsomheten din?
Det er 2009. Du jobber som markedsdirektør i den amerikanske dagligvaregiganten Walmart, og er særs godt fornøyd. Det strategiske prosjektet ditt har endelig blitt realisert. Butikkene har aldri sett bedre ut. De rotete pallene med billige varer midt i butikken har blitt erstattet med oversiktlige hyller som bugner av tiltalende produkter. KTI-tallene har skutt i været, kundene har aldri vært mer fornøyde.
Det er 2009. Du jobber som markedsdirektør i den amerikanske dagligvaregiganten Walmart, og er særs godt fornøyd. Det strategiske prosjektet ditt har endelig blitt realisert. Butikkene har aldri sett bedre ut. De rotete pallene med billige varer midt i butikken har blitt erstattet med oversiktlige hyller som bugner av tiltalende produkter. KTI-tallene har skutt i været, kundene har aldri vært mer fornøyde.
It’s the economy, stupid!
Up until now we have learnt what machine learning is and looked at some initial examples. But before we move on with more details of how to do machine learning we must first talk about why. In this blog post we‘ll present a high-level overview of practical application before diving into a real-life example from our work at the Center for Service Innovation (CSI) in Norway. The basic concept? It‘s all about business value!
Up until now we have learnt what machine learning is and looked at some initial examples. But before we move on with more details of how to do machine learning we must first talk about why. In this blog post we‘ll present a high-level overview of practical application before diving into a real-life example from our work at the Center for Service Innovation (CSI) in Norway. The basic concept? It‘s all about business value!