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Svein Petter Gjøby

9 innlegg

JavaScript Mystery

Artikkel (1 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

From all of us behind javascript.christmas, to all of you: Merry Christmas! We really hope you've enjoyed our advent calendar. For our very last article in this advent calendar, we need your help saving christmas.

The people behind JavaScript: Yulia Startsev

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

The people behind JavaScript is a series of interviews with the members of TC39. The committee consists of JavaScript enthusiasts and language experts who get together to define how new versions of JavaScript should work.

The people behind JavaScript: Daniel Ehrenberg

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

The people behind JavaScript is a series of interviews with the members of TC39. The committee consists of JavaScript enthusiasts and language experts who get together to define how new versions of JavaScript should work.

The people behind JavaScript: Allen Wirfs-Brock

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

The people behind JavaScript is a series of interviews with the members of TC39. The committee consists of JavaScript enthusiasts and language experts who get together to define how new versions of JavaScript should work.

Removing duplicates from an array

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

Knowing more than one way to solve a given problem can help you write more readable code. Let's look at three different ways to remove duplicates elements from an array.

D3 in action

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

D3 (Data Driven Documents) is a JavaScript library that's well suited to create data visualizations on the web. It brings data to life using HTML, SVGs and CSS. You can make everything from static graphs to interactive articles.

Three different ways to use Context

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Emil Døhlen Hansen, Svein Petter Gjøby

Prop drilling can be a good thing, and it can be a bad thing. Thankfully, there are better ways to do it with the Context API.

Why is this so hard?

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

I've lost count of the number of times I forgot to bind this. Why do we need to bind this and how should we do it?

Documentation with Docusaurus

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Svein Petter Gjøby

Documenting your project can be a pain in the ass and is often neglected. Docusaurus removes the pain of maintaining documentation.