Elm and other functional programming languages might look weird and scary to newcomers. Once you get to know them, however, functional languages becomes very clear and satisfying to work with Let's look at the MVU - Model, View, Update - architecture. The architecture is also known as TEA - The Elm Architecture - but is useful in other languages as well
A program can be split into three very simple pieces; model, view, and update. We'll start with the model. This contains the state of the program.
-- Model
type alias Model =
{ presentCounter : Int }
The state of the program is currently represented by one property, a counter of how many gifts someone has received that is represented by an Int
type. The Model is represented by what is called a record, and is a central store for all the data we use to represent our application with. The `Model` will at all times contain the most recent data that we want to use in our program. So if a user has clicked something that changes the state of our program this should create a new state which will be the current state of the program.
So how is the model updated? That's where the update function comes in. The update function takes in the current Model and a Msg that describes how the Model should change, and returns the new Model`
type Msg
= ReceivePresent
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ReceivePresent ->
( { model | presentCounter = model.presentCounter + 1 }, Cmd.none )
As we can see from the signature of the `update` function it takes a Msg
, and the Model
, the state of the program. The Msg
defines what is to be updated, and is a type that is a collection of all the different ways we can update the Model
. Our central state is then updated in accordance with how update
handles the specific Msg
that is received, and the new state is outputted as part of the tuple ( Model, Cmd Msg)
The second part of the tuple that is returned is the Cmd Msg
, which can seem a little cryptical at first. To be able to do operations separate from elm's "model, view, update" lifecycle we need to use commands depicted as the type Cmd
. These commands will be operations like changing the url path, or fetching some data from an API. As we can see the type Cmd
also takes a msg
, which represents an arbitrary message. Notice that `msg` and `Msg` are different, `msg` (with first letter lower cased) represents any arbitrary type, while `Msg` (with first letter upper cased) represents an actual type, in this case defined by us. In our case we have defined this as Msg
which is the type of messages that can update our Model
in the update
function. This Msg
part of Cmd Msg
is an important element of understanding commands in elm as this is a way of saying "do this command, and give it back to my update
function". The program then proceeds to update the Model
in the way that `update` is defined to handle that specific `Msg` that is provided to the `Cmd` type.
The last element in the MVU, is the view. This is where the html is defined, where we decide how we want the page to look, and how the various html elements should be arranged.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.div [] []
If we didn't have any elements to interact with, or didn't need anything to change in our application, then we would not need to pay attention to the other two elements in the MVU architecture. Like most applications we do want to build a webpage that changes as the user interacts with elements in our application.
We can see from the definition of the view function that it receives a parameter of the Model
type which we have learned is the state of our program. The view
will use the data we have chosen that resides in the Model
to represent the application correctly. This will always be the newest version of the state, so whenever a Msg
type is dispatched to the update function, this Msg
will proceed to update the Model
and the view
will be rendered with the newly updated Model
The return type of the view function is also interesting. This is Html Msg
where Html
is the core building block of html code. Msg is what we would like to happen when the user interacts with our `Html. For instance, what Msg should be sent to the update function when a specific button is pressed
As an example, let's see how a view that allows the user to update their gift-receiving counter would look like.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ Events.onClick ReceivePresent ]
[ Html.text "Number of gifts received: " ++ (String.fromInt model.presentCounter) ]
When the button is pressed, the Msg ReceivePresent will be dispatched to the update function. This updated the model, which then causes the view to be refreshed with the new state.