is a small, experimental library introduced with Kotlin 1.3. Its main purpose is to simplify measuring and manipulating elapsed time.
A central class is Duration
which is similar to java.time.Duration
, but offers more syntactic sugar to simplify operations on elapsed time. In combination with extension properties and operator overloading, you can write things like
val elapsedTime = 28_343_564.nanoseconds + 60.5.milliseconds
val doubleElapsedTime = elapsedTime * 2
which will print 177687us.
Another nice feature is the ability to decompose a Duration into convenient parts using toComponents
val elapsedTime = 3.days + 68.hours + 112.minutes
elapsedTime.toComponents { hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds ->
println("Hours: $hours")
println("Minutes: $minutes")
However, the library is perhaps most useful if you want to measure the duration of some block of code when executed. measureTime
to the rescue
val elapsed: Duration = measureTime {
println("Measuring time via measureTime")
Or, if you need to return a result from your measured block of code, measureTimedValue
is an alternative
val (elapsedTime, returnValue) = measureTimedValue {
println("Measuring time via measureTime")
"The returned value"
Under the hood measureTime
and measureTimedValue
uses the corresponding functions on the underlying TimeSource
. By default Monotonic
is used, which is a TimeSource
Implementation on top of System.nanoTime()
, which is the monotonic (strictly increasing) clock in Java, and therefore the most robust way of measuring elapsed time. There is also a TestTimeSource
implementation that can be used if you need to control the elapsed time for testing purposes.
has a single function, markNow()
, which returns a TimeMark
. The TimeMark
provides methods for checking how much time (as Duration
) has passed since the mark, creating offsets from the mark, and checking if a marks has occurred or not.
val mark = Monotonic.markNow()
val inThreeSeconds = mark + 3.seconds
is nice, little library which simplifies measuring and manipulating elapsed time compactly and robustly. It is still experimental, and its features can change (and has in the past). But if you are about to sprinkle your Kotlin code with large amounts of java.time.Duration
, consider using this little native gem instead.