Hans Kristian Henriksen
Hans Kristian er sikkerhetsutvikler i Bekk og ansvarlig for utviklingen av Bekk sine sikkerhetstjenester. Han er opptatt av personvern, elsker sjokolade, og glad i å dele det han kan.
17 innlegg
Side 2 av 2
Two-factor authentication
You have been told that two-factor authentication is important, but why, and what is it really?
You have been told that two-factor authentication is important, but why, and what is it really?
Public Wifi
After grabbing your favorite double pumpkin spiced latte with soy milk, you get ready to lean back and browse the latest memes. But should you be connecting to the coffee shop WiFi? How dangerous can it really be?
After grabbing your favorite double pumpkin spiced latte with soy milk, you get ready to lean back and browse the latest memes. But should you be connecting to the coffee shop WiFi? How dangerous can it really be?