Jens Andreas Huseby
36 innlegg
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Hvordan organiserer RiksTV seg for innovasjon i et produktteam?
Hvorfor innovere når gründere uansett vinner?
Hvorfor innovere når internettgigantene uansett vinner?
Hva kommer etter SaaS?
Fra utvikler til seriegründer
Hva gjør en inkubator for at innovasjon skal lykkes?
Hva er en inkubator?
How do you collaborate on innovation?
Oslo vs Silicon Valley - what's the difference?
Hack your paleolithic mind to overcome stage fright
Most of us feel very uneasy before going on a stage or in front of a live tv-camera. Rationally you can tell yourself that even if it all goes wrong, in a few hours you will still be alive, that you’ll still have your friends and your job. And you’ll be right. Even if you forget what to say, stutter and run crying off stage, the actual impact on your life is not that important. It’s not a matter of life and death, is it?
Most of us feel very uneasy before going on a stage or in front of a live tv-camera. Rationally you can tell yourself that even if it all goes wrong, in a few hours you will still be alive, that you’ll still have your friends and your job. And you’ll be right. Even if you forget what to say, stutter and run crying off stage, the actual impact on your life is not that important. It’s not a matter of life and death, is it?