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Bilde av Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

Ragnhild er designer i Bekk og leder for faggruppen "Design i produktledelse".

    6 innlegg


    Produktutvikling, Design
    Artikkel (10 min)
    Fra Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    Fire gode grunner til at designere trengs for at vi skal lykkes med digital produktutvikling.

    Innsiktsøyeblikket: Gullet i kvalitativ research

    Design, UX
    Artikkel (9 min)
    Fra Linn Harbo Dahle, Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    For å få tid til mer kvalitativt innsiktsarbeid i den travle, smidige produktutviklingshverdagen: Fokuser på innsiktsøyeblikket!

    Dagens designtips

    UX, Design
    Artikkel (3 min)
    Fra Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    Dagens designtips er en artikkelserie hvor forskjellige designere fra Bekk snakker om jobben de gjør, hvilke utfordringer de møter på, og kanskje kommer med et lite tips.

    Let's kill the prototype

    UX, Design, Metodologi
    Artikkel (5 min)
    Fra Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    Ragnhild thinks we should put detailed prototypes to rest, and rather get our designs out to the public faster.

    Digital typography and accessibility

    Artikkel (8 min)
    Fra Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    Have you ever realized how important text is in the digital sphere? It’s impossible to avoid text, whether you are to read an article, search for information, watch a video, or complete a task. In fact, it is estimated that about 95 % of the internet is text (1). This vast ocean of text states the need to welcome everyone to read, interpret, and understand - regardless of their abilities or disabilities. If you design or develop digital content, you have a responsibility to do so. And I’m here to help!

    Accessibility: One web to include 'em all

    Artikkel (7 min)
    Fra Ragnhild Finsveen Liven

    Designers usually strive to design user-friendly products fit for a diverse group of people. But how do we actually design and develop products that consider the needs of impaired users? This short article aims to introduce you to the maze of web accessibility and its related framework WCAG 2.1: How can we include people with disabilities on the web and how do we understand the numerous criteria we need to meet in order to do so?