Innhold om React
Totalt 137 innlegg
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Alt du trenger å vite om klient- og servertilstand (del 1)
Tilstandshåndtering i frontend er utfordrende. Men når du klarer å skille tilstandstypene, kan du få enklere kode, bedre brukeropplevelse og bedre ytelse.
Tilstandshåndtering i frontend er utfordrende. Men når du klarer å skille tilstandstypene, kan du få enklere kode, bedre brukeropplevelse og bedre ytelse.
Hvordan designe en gjenbrukbar komponent?
Gjenbrukbare komponenter er de mest nyttige, men også de vanskeligste å lage på en god måte. Her finner du noen gode tips til hvordan man kan lage en gjenbrukbare komponent som tåler tidens tann!
Gjenbrukbare komponenter er de mest nyttige, men også de vanskeligste å lage på en god måte. Her finner du noen gode tips til hvordan man kan lage en gjenbrukbare komponent som tåler tidens tann!
UseEffects only for side effects
I have created numerous bugs by using useEffect wrong, and I have learned the hard way how to solve them. As a result of my errors I have acquired a set of best practices I like to follow, and I like to share them with you. Happy reading!
I have created numerous bugs by using useEffect wrong, and I have learned the hard way how to solve them. As a result of my errors I have acquired a set of best practices I like to follow, and I like to share them with you. Happy reading!
Three techniques for faster React apps
“Premature optimization is the root of all evil” is an oft repeated adage, and rightly so. But what do we do when optimization is long overdue in our React apps? Let’s explore some tools and techniques to deal with exactly that.
“Premature optimization is the root of all evil” is an oft repeated adage, and rightly so. But what do we do when optimization is long overdue in our React apps? Let’s explore some tools and techniques to deal with exactly that.
Hva er greia med useRef og forwardRef?
Du har kanskje støtt på useRef og forwardRef før, men ikke helt fått koll på hva det dreier seg om. I denne korte artikkelen tar jeg vekk mystikken, og gir noen enkle, nyttige eksempler på hva de kan brukes til.
Du har kanskje støtt på useRef og forwardRef før, men ikke helt fått koll på hva det dreier seg om. I denne korte artikkelen tar jeg vekk mystikken, og gir noen enkle, nyttige eksempler på hva de kan brukes til.
What's the deal with useRef and forwardRef in React?
You might have encountered useRef and forwardRef before, but not quite grasped what they are about. In this short article, I remove the mystery and provide some simple, useful examples of what they can be used for.
You might have encountered useRef and forwardRef before, but not quite grasped what they are about. In this short article, I remove the mystery and provide some simple, useful examples of what they can be used for.
Making an accessible loading button: Aria-disabled with friends
In web development, designing an accessible loading button is a real head-scratcher. There's no easy one-size-fits-all solution, but understanding the various approaches improves your ability to make accessible experiences. So, how do we make a loading button accessible?
In web development, designing an accessible loading button is a real head-scratcher. There's no easy one-size-fits-all solution, but understanding the various approaches improves your ability to make accessible experiences. So, how do we make a loading button accessible?
Jotai: Build Your State with Atom Precision
Have you ever felt frustrated managing the state of your application? Common challenges include unnecessary re-renders, prop-drilling, or a lot of boilerplate to manage even simple states. Jotai provides an elegant and simple solution to a lot of these challenges, building a easy, boilerplate-free and global state using atoms.
Have you ever felt frustrated managing the state of your application? Common challenges include unnecessary re-renders, prop-drilling, or a lot of boilerplate to manage even simple states. Jotai provides an elegant and simple solution to a lot of these challenges, building a easy, boilerplate-free and global state using atoms.
Ta kontroll på skjemaelementet!
Det er lett å blande mellom kontrollerte og ukontrollerte komponenter i React, men hva er egentlig forskjellen og hvilken burde man bruke?
Det er lett å blande mellom kontrollerte og ukontrollerte komponenter i React, men hva er egentlig forskjellen og hvilken burde man bruke?
Slik lager du et bibliotek som støtter React Server Components
React server components vinner popularitet og det er avgjørende for komponentbiblioteker å støtte det for å holde tritt. Hvordan støtter du det?
React server components vinner popularitet og det er avgjørende for komponentbiblioteker å støtte det for å holde tritt. Hvordan støtter du det?
How to support React Server Components in your library
React server components is winning popularity, and it's crucial for component libraries to support it to stay relevant. How do you support it?
React server components is winning popularity, and it's crucial for component libraries to support it to stay relevant. How do you support it?
Immutable state
During my time as a React developer, I have experienced that you never should mutate your state, as it leads to weird bugs when rendering your components. This article will show you some tricks on how to make your state immutable, achieving a more bug-free UI.
During my time as a React developer, I have experienced that you never should mutate your state, as it leads to weird bugs when rendering your components. This article will show you some tricks on how to make your state immutable, achieving a more bug-free UI.
Surviving the Norwegian winter as a cyclist with
Norway is known for its fjords, glaciers and cold winters. The latter is suboptimal for cyclists, which is why we ended up creating; a free and open source in-browser training application created to control and track your training with a smart bike trainer ⚡️ This article will go through the magical story of how our hobby project was made 🎅
Norway is known for its fjords, glaciers and cold winters. The latter is suboptimal for cyclists, which is why we ended up creating; a free and open source in-browser training application created to control and track your training with a smart bike trainer ⚡️ This article will go through the magical story of how our hobby project was made 🎅
Slik gjør du datalasting til en glede med React Suspense og TanStack Query
Har du sett React sin Suspense funksjonalitet og tenkt at det kunne vært noe for applikasjonen din? Bare for å få drømmene lettere lagt i grus når du etter nærmere studier ser at Suspense støttes i hovedsak av meta rammeverk som Next.js og Remix? I dagens juleluke ser vi på ulike måter å håndtere datalasting på, og hvordan vi kan forbedre både ytelse og kodekvalitet ved å ta i bruk TanStack Query og Suspense. Vi omgår metarammeverk begrensningen og ser på hvordan vi kan bruke Suspense i en tradisjonell klientside React applikasjon. Dette gjør vi ved å bruke JS biblioteket TanStack Query.
Har du sett React sin Suspense funksjonalitet og tenkt at det kunne vært noe for applikasjonen din? Bare for å få drømmene lettere lagt i grus når du etter nærmere studier ser at Suspense støttes i hovedsak av meta rammeverk som Next.js og Remix? I dagens juleluke ser vi på ulike måter å håndtere datalasting på, og hvordan vi kan forbedre både ytelse og kodekvalitet ved å ta i bruk TanStack Query og Suspense. Vi omgår metarammeverk begrensningen og ser på hvordan vi kan bruke Suspense i en tradisjonell klientside React applikasjon. Dette gjør vi ved å bruke JS biblioteket TanStack Query.
React fights you can have with your team
There are many ways to solve problems in React, some will say too many. In a large code base it is helpful if the developers are united about the way to maintain the code base. Take a look at the topics I present to you in this article, which one do you use and are you and your team on the same page?
There are many ways to solve problems in React, some will say too many. In a large code base it is helpful if the developers are united about the way to maintain the code base. Take a look at the topics I present to you in this article, which one do you use and are you and your team on the same page?