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Show the current Terraform Workspace in Your Terminal Prompt

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Andreas Mosti

Managing Terraform configurations efficiently with workspaces is a game-changer for keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). However, when dealing with multiple workspaces, it can be challenging to keep tabs on your current working environment. In this post, we'll explore how to display the active Terraform workspace in your terminal prompt to avoid unintended disasters, such as executing terraform destroy on the wrong setup.

En släde kommer lastad med DevContainers!

Utvikling, Meta, Sky
Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Arvid Mildner

Okej! Du har kanske hört talas om Docker. Men har du hört talas om DevContainers? Paketera hela utvecklingsmiljön in i docker och koppla dig till den helt lagg-fritt från din lokala editor! Det borde vara vanligare än det är - låt oss se vad det handlar om...

Using a custom domain for Firebase email action links

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Petter Sæther Moen

You might have noticed that the links Firebase uses in their email actions (password resets, email verifications, etc.) are using a URL with firebaseapp.com as the origin. Visiting some random firebaseapp.com URL feels a bit fishy, doesn't it? How can your users be sure that this password reset form isn't a phishing site? Links pointing to our custom domain would certainly make me feel more confident that I am not falling victim to a phishing scam! Let's look at how we can achieve this.

Deploying Flux as part of the AKS IaC

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Thomas Oddsund

Flux is a tool that enables continuous delivery of things like Helm Apps and your applications. While the suggested method of installation is using the Flux CLI tool, is this the way to go in a world of IaC? Let's take a look at how we can install Flux using Bicep, the IaC language for Azure!

Getting started with event-driven systems

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Ole Kristian Pedersen

During the last year or so, I've worked a more with event-driven systems. I had to learn a lot of new terms and architecture patterns, so I turned to the internet to help me out. Along the way I've found many articles that I found useful. In this blogpost I will share some of my favorites.

Is CAP just used by truckers that distribute systems?

Sky, Utvikling
Artikkel (8 min)
Fra André Perzon

What are distributed systems and where can we find them in our everyday life? Bottle CAP and CAP theorem what is the difference?

Declarative management of dotfiles with Nix and Home Manager

Artikkel (13 min)
Fra Ole Kristian Pedersen

Nix is a declarative package manager with rising popularity. One of the best ways to actually learn it is to use it, and what better way to learn it than using it every day to manage your dotfiles?

Deterministic systems with Nix

Artikkel (9 min)
Fra Andreas Mosti

Setting up reliable environments for our software is tricky. The task has kept developers and sysadmins up at night for decades. Making environments and packages truly reproducible and reliable for more than a few weeks before regression sets in, is surely no easy task. In this post, we'll see how we can set up truly deterministic, reproducible and even ephemeral environments with the help of a clever set of tools called Nix, so we can sleep better, knowing our systems can be installed from literary scratch and be guaranteed the same binary packages down to the lowest dependencies.

The evolution of how we host our applications

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Vetle Bu Solgård

How did the container become so ubiquitous in application hosting? Most people know that they're used to run an application, but can't a virtual machine also do that? Why did we ever move away from hosting our applications on a physical server ourselves? Let's explore how we have previously hosted our applications, and why we transcended into containerised software!

Clear skies

Artikkel (1 min)
Fra Andreas Heim

Demoing and training in the cloud

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Torstein Gjengedal

Succeed with your microservices

Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Anders Refsdal Olsen

There are many ways of structuring or designing your microservices. My thoughts on the matter are that there is no right way. However, there are some tips that I have experienced that I think are worth sharing, and that might fit your project as well.

Boundary and remote access based on trusted identity

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Kenan Mahic

I recently switched projects, and if you've ever started at or switched jobs to a mid- or large-size enterprise, you probably know the onboarding process can be both long and exhausting. Possibly sitting there weeks on end, without access to the services you need, and purely feeling like a bother because you have to ask one of your colleagues for help the 3027th time this week. Welp, I just shudder at the thought of it, and if you do too, I just might have the answer to all our boundary issues!

Scaling is harder than you think

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Ole-Martin Mørk

“Why don't they run the application on the cloud?” - every time a service goes down under heavy traffic this is a common response. Some developers seem to think that as long as you are running in the cloud, you are home free. Everything in the cloud can scale to infinity. This is of course not the case. It is easier to make an application that can scale to infinity in the cloud, but it is not necessarily easy.

Rethinking data sharing in the next decade

Artikkel (9 min)
Fra Safurudin Mahic

Data is today recognized as the single most important resource to contribute to economic growth in the next decade. Connecting data in new ways creates new opportunities for innovation and new services. The public and private sector have engaged in this development by sharing many valuable datasets. But are todays methods for data sharing suitable for the future?