This year we will prepare you for the Christmas celebration, by giving you small presents of knowledge every day, which will teach you about the world of security.
Welcome to the most important Christmas Calendar you will open this year. The world of security is very large and complex, and it is difficult to comprehend the entire field of security. It may seem unfair, but if you are a developer you need to get everything right, but as a hacker, it can be enough to find a small bug to do a lot of damage. This is why it is important to learn about the most common vulnerabilities to protect your application.
Luckily modern frameworks make the task of security much easier for developers, but it is still very important to know what the challenges are. Throughout these days before Christmas, we will guide you through many of the these challenges. This will give you the knowledge and some tools to find, test and learn about the vulnerabilities.
Security breaches in the news
The last years we have learned that almost all companies, devices and software could possibly have vulnerabilities.
One example came in September, when Facebook released that they had resolved a bug. And this bug made it possible to generate an access token for whoever you wanted at Facebook.
Last year, we learned that smartwatches that parents use to track their kids are vulnerable. An attacker could locate, fake the position, take pictures and more by exploiting the smartwatches.
New vulnerabilities and breaches happen almost every day, and this only emphasizes that security is difficult. Hopefully this calendar will create some awareness, and you can be a security ambassador to reduce the number of vulnerabilities in the future.