By helping others help you, you're setting yourself up for less friction. Here are 3 steps towards making the whole experience as smooth as possible ๐

1. Crafting the perfect pull-request
A well-crafted pull-request will save everyone's time by being to-the-point and doing what it says on the tin.
Consider its size, can you break it up into smaller pieces? Spend time on a precise title and fitting description.
For more details, read this great blog post from Hugo Dias.
2. Writing good issues
Help everybody understand the problem you've identified by giving them enough context. Try putting yourself in their shoes: how much do they need to know to understand your problem, and what information do you need to provide? If you have a suggested solution, be specific and use examples.
Read the full article from Wiredcraft for more great tips!
3. Using saved replies
I just learned about this one myself and I'm already loving it! Stop writing the same replies over and over again on GitHub. Instead, write your most frequently used replies once, and save them for the next time you need a quick response ๐
Tip: Use "LGTM" (Looks good to me) with lots of emojis as your first reply ๐
Start writing down your replies now by visiting your settings page on GitHub.