11. desember
Totalt 12 innlegg
Making games with Kotlin!
What's new in Java 11
Fabulous Xamarin Forms
The people behind JavaScript: Daniel Ehrenberg
The people behind JavaScript is a series of interviews with the members of TC39. The committee consists of JavaScript enthusiasts and language experts who get together to define how new versions of JavaScript should work.
The people behind JavaScript is a series of interviews with the members of TC39. The committee consists of JavaScript enthusiasts and language experts who get together to define how new versions of JavaScript should work.
Splitting the Terraform monolith
At Digipost we are in the progress of building up our new infrastructure on Azure. We are already enthusiastic users of Terraform and have chosen to continue down that path, towards infrastructure-as-code (IaC) bliss, where the totality of your infrastructure can be created by a single command. But what happens when that totality is a bit big for a single Terraform state-file?
At Digipost we are in the progress of building up our new infrastructure on Azure. We are already enthusiastic users of Terraform and have chosen to continue down that path, towards infrastructure-as-code (IaC) bliss, where the totality of your infrastructure can be created by a single command. But what happens when that totality is a bit big for a single Terraform state-file?
Hva er greia med OKR?
I denne kaffepraten samles tre konsulenter, med ulik faglig bakgrunn og senioritet, for en uforpliktende prat om OKR (Objectives & Key Results). Vi forsøker å få klarhet i hva som egentlig er greia med det sagnomsuste OKR-rammeverket. Du får innsikt i komponentene rammeverket består av og hvordan OKR skiller seg fra andre målstyringsrammeverk. I tillegg deler vi noen gode råd til deg som vil prøve OKR i egen virksomhet.
I denne kaffepraten samles tre konsulenter, med ulik faglig bakgrunn og senioritet, for en uforpliktende prat om OKR (Objectives & Key Results). Vi forsøker å få klarhet i hva som egentlig er greia med det sagnomsuste OKR-rammeverket. Du får innsikt i komponentene rammeverket består av og hvordan OKR skiller seg fra andre målstyringsrammeverk. I tillegg deler vi noen gode råd til deg som vil prøve OKR i egen virksomhet.
The UX of APIs
Working with Azure Application Insights in your React app
Do you really know how your users are interacting with your application? Have they tried out the latest feature you just deployed to production? Examining your user’s behaviour and interaction can be tremendously useful - figuring out where they incur problems or halt a purchase, where in the onboarding process most people fall off, how long time they spend on certain pages, or even just where on the site they’re located, are all valuable information for the further improvement and development of your website.
Do you really know how your users are interacting with your application? Have they tried out the latest feature you just deployed to production? Examining your user’s behaviour and interaction can be tremendously useful - figuring out where they incur problems or halt a purchase, where in the onboarding process most people fall off, how long time they spend on certain pages, or even just where on the site they’re located, are all valuable information for the further improvement and development of your website.
Gitmoji - Yay or Nay?
Version control software is an essential part of modern-day software developer practices, and Git is by far the most used system. However, the amount of commits, pull requests and activity in general may be huge, and reduce the value of the git history. The Open Source project Gitmoji is a standardized emoji guide for your commit messages which enables you to assign an emoji at the beginning of commits. It even comes with an interactive client that lets you access the emojis through your command line. Although emojis are always fun, the question arises; is it just a gimmick or does it add any value? Overview of Gitmojis: https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me
Version control software is an essential part of modern-day software developer practices, and Git is by far the most used system. However, the amount of commits, pull requests and activity in general may be huge, and reduce the value of the git history. The Open Source project Gitmoji is a standardized emoji guide for your commit messages which enables you to assign an emoji at the beginning of commits. It even comes with an interactive client that lets you access the emojis through your command line. Although emojis are always fun, the question arises; is it just a gimmick or does it add any value? Overview of Gitmojis: https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me
Style Transfer
Usually we let neural networks adapt their parameters to data, for instance images. Ever wondered what happens if we instead adapt images to match the network? Style transfer applies the style of one image onto another, and it's a crowd-pleaser.
Usually we let neural networks adapt their parameters to data, for instance images. Ever wondered what happens if we instead adapt images to match the network? Style transfer applies the style of one image onto another, and it's a crowd-pleaser.
CSS Grid's Best Friend
There is a display property that goes hand-in-hand with CSS grid: display: contents. With this property you can keep good HTML semantics when using CSS grid. Let's see how.
There is a display property that goes hand-in-hand with CSS grid: display: contents. With this property you can keep good HTML semantics when using CSS grid. Let's see how.