Let's get hands on with grids!

So far, in this calendar, we have talked about CSS grids, at least on four occasions. Make sure to check them out if you haven't already!
- Oops! I Grid it again - an introduction to CSS grids
- Don't suffer like I Grid - SafIEty first - how to support grids in IE
- Bleeding edge - making your grids bleed - on bleeding into the grid gaps
- CSS Grid's Best Friend - Aligning items within cells.
I'm a believer in learning by doing. If you are like me, then you might have read about CSS grids, but not yet used it. Well, that changes now!
Grid Garden is a cute little game that lets you try out positioning in CSS Grid in a quick and fun manner. Head over there and have a few minutes for yourself meditating in this busy time of the years while weeding your virtual garden!