And here we are, it's Christmas! We hope you've enjoyed reading Bekk's Open source advent calendar this December.

This calendar has been part of Bekk's advent calendars, and there's 12 of them! You can find our calendars at We have a whopping 288 articles for you to enjoy during the holidays and later on 😃
Spirit of Christmas & Open source
Like the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of Open source is spending time on what you love and who you love, and giving your time to aid others in need.
I hope that this calendar and its authors has given you the inspiration and motivation to help out someone who can use your time and knowledge. Contributing might even take you to new places but you won't know until you've tried 😉
From all of us behind the Bekk Open source advent calendar to all of you, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!