Hopp til hovedinnhold

Welcome to another year of the functional programming advent calendar! Every day until December 24th you will get an article, video or other functional programming related content that hopefully will make the waiting feel a bit shorter! 😄

As previous years the articles will span a large range of topics and complexity. If you are looking for something beginner friendly, or more advanced topics, there should be something for everyone these next 23 days.

Let’s start this advent of with a look at the basics: what is functional programming (FP)? This question has been answered many times before, in many different ways. We took our own stab at it last year. Even though there are no single definition for FP and many different ways to approach it, there are some things that are shared throughout the related communities.

Functional programming in 40 minutes

Today I want to use the words and pictures of Russ Olsen and highlight his talk from GOTO 2018. Russ is a great communicator and I love the down to earth and practical perspective he brings in this talk. He explains functional programming in an understandable way and shows why people prefer FP. I hope you enjoy!

Link: https://youtu.be/0if71HOyVjY

What is your favorite FP intro talk?

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