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Typeclasses are a way to allow functions to take constraints on the type of arguments, allowing for ad hoc polymorphic functions (we say ad hoc as the function for the concrete type is provided when invoked). They were originally introduced as a way to overload arithmetic and equality operators in Haskell, but they have many other uses as well. Interfaces are a similar concept in object-oriented languages.

You can use the + function to add both integers and floats, so the type of + clearly can't be Int -> Int -> Int or Float -> Float -> Float. We can't insert arbitrary types ([3] + [4] is an error for instance, by trying to add two lists), so the type of + must be more restrictive than a -> a -> a. The type of + is actually

(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

where Num a => denotes a typeclass constraint on the type a, requiring to be an instance of the Num typeclass.

The powerful part of defining functions on constrained types is that it is extensible, and we can implement a typeclass if we want to be able to use these functions for our custom types. Let's say we are modeling an analog clock in our program, and we have a type for time:

data AnalogTime = Time Int Int -- hours and minutes

we can then provide an instance for the Eq typeclass (the name Eq derives from equality), which allows us to compare types using (==) for equal and (/=) for not equal:

instance Eq AnalogTime where
    (Time hoursA minutesA) == (Time hoursB minutesB) = hoursA == hoursB && minutesA == minutesB

Note that by just implementing (==), we can also use the (/=) operator for AnalogTime values. Now that AnalogTime has an instance for the Eq typeclass, we can also provide an instance for the Ord typeclass. The Ord typeclass has functions for types with an ordering, or in other words types that can be compared with for example > or <. This is because all Ord instances are required to have an Eq instance, as we can see from the definition:

class Eq a => Ord a where
    (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
    -- other functions omitted

The "freebies" of typeclasses

As we saw with the Eq instance we didn't have to provide all functions for the functions of the typeclass. This benefit might not seem to be significant when looking at Eq, but for other typeclasses like Foldable you get a whole load of functions already defined if you implement a sufficient part of the typeclass functions.

If we look at the info for the Ord typeclass we can see that the minimal definition is providing (<=). Just by providing a function for comparing lesser than or equal, we gain the other comparisons, as well as the max and min functions for free. Additionally, we are guaranteed that the definitions for our typeclass are coherent this way. In other words, the definitions have to internally make sense, such that we can't have that a > b && b > a for instance.

A world without custom typeclasses

In Haskell we can define custom typeclasses, and also provide instances for any custom type as a typeclass. In the Elm programming language we cannot define custom typeclasses, and you are also unable to provide instances for the existing typeclasses. There are some typeclasses in Elm, such as number, comparable and appendable, which allow for functions such as (+), (>=) and (++) to take in a variety of built-in types. If you want to write functions that can work for several different types as long as they have some function defined, the functions you need have to be an explicit part of the function's type.

type Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

listSort : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List b

The Elm definition looks similar to a Haskell definition using typeclasses:

listSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

This way you don't have the added abstraction of providing a mapping to some other type. It is easier to use the Ord typeclass still, as you have more functions out of the box such as min that can be used.

A difference between the Haskell and Elm examples is that for Haskell the correct function for comparing the elements will be sourced by the Ord instance for a (whichever type a turns out to be), but for the Elm examples you have to provide the correct instance when calling the function.

The need to know the types is easier to see if you look at the map-functions in the Elm standard library. Instead of having a single map-function for some typeclass (Functor for instance), Elm provides different mapping functions for the standard containers (such as List.map, Dict.map, Maybe.map and so on). This way you don't need typeclasses for Functors, but there is no way to map over some structure in Elm without also knowing what that structure is. This is a tighter coupling to the types used. If the underlying type changes in your model, say from a List to a Maybe, then any functions simply mapping over the elements now have to provide the appropriate mapping function.

Custom typeclasses in Elm?

In some ways you are able to do a similar thing to typeclasses in Elm by passing around records containing the necessary definitions for a typeclass:

-- Elm custom typeclass
type alias Ord a =
    { lessThan : a -> a -> Bool
    , greaterThan : a -> a -> Bool
    , equal : a -> a -> Bool

And we can now use this to again define our list sort:

listSort : Ord a -> List a -> List a

Not too far off from our Haskell listSort!

You still can't extend the built-in typeclasses and the typeclass functions aren't provided implicitly, but you can write functions using a constrained type as you know that the caller has to provide the instance for your typeclass. We also lose the guarantee of coherence for the typeclass functions. Even if you wrote a helper function that fills the rest of the instances from a minimal definition, we could still provide an Ord record where the lessThan- and greaterThan-functions are the same.

One thing that breaks with this approach is typeclasses for higher-kinded polymorphism. Trying to use a record to implement a similar set of functions as Foldable in Haskell (the typeclass of types that can be "folded over", a more general version of reduce for instance) illustrates this issue.

It is sufficient to only define foldr for a Foldable instance, similar to (<=) for Ord.

foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b

We can see from the definition of foldr that we have a type t that operates in a similar way to List (as an example) where the type isn't just List but List of a. If we try the same approach as for Ord we get a syntax error on the t a part of the function definition, as this is not supported in Elm.

If you want to try typeclasses like these in Elm there is a package with several custom typeclasses implemented, by the way of using type aliases for records.

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