18. desember
Totalt 11 innlegg
From code to cloud using .net 5, Docker, Github Actions and Azure App Services
Have you ever had an application that you wanted to automate the building, packing, and deployment for? In this article, I will show you how to can utilize Docker, Github Actions, and Azure App Services in just a few steps.
Have you ever had an application that you wanted to automate the building, packing, and deployment for? In this article, I will show you how to can utilize Docker, Github Actions, and Azure App Services in just a few steps.
Hvordan organiserer RiksTV seg for innovasjon i et produktteam?
Types and Kinds
There are plenty of buzzwords when it comes to type systems. Today we take a closer look at the concepts related to kinds.
There are plenty of buzzwords when it comes to type systems. Today we take a closer look at the concepts related to kinds.
Å være nyutdannede designer på et smidig team
Vi er to nyutdannede interaksjonsdesignere fra UiO som startet å jobbe hos Bekk i august. Fra tiden på skolebenken hadde vi lite erfaring med smidige team, og vi gikk derfor inn i arbeidslivet med nysgjerrighet for hvordan det å jobbe smidig fungerer i praksis. I denne artikkelen prøver vi å svare på noen spørsmål vi hadde før vi startet.
Vi er to nyutdannede interaksjonsdesignere fra UiO som startet å jobbe hos Bekk i august. Fra tiden på skolebenken hadde vi lite erfaring med smidige team, og vi gikk derfor inn i arbeidslivet med nysgjerrighet for hvordan det å jobbe smidig fungerer i praksis. I denne artikkelen prøver vi å svare på noen spørsmål vi hadde før vi startet.
How to improve your digital presentations.
The past few months in 2020 has provided us with completely new challenges talk-wise.
The past few months in 2020 has provided us with completely new challenges talk-wise.
Strict mode
After years of disagreements about the long awaited next version of ECMAScript, on December 3, 2009, the 5th edition was finally released. A full 10 years after the previous version. With it came a lot of security improvements, one of which is known as "strict mode".
After years of disagreements about the long awaited next version of ECMAScript, on December 3, 2009, the 5th edition was finally released. A full 10 years after the previous version. With it came a lot of security improvements, one of which is known as "strict mode".
Rebuild static pages on-demand with incremental static regeneration
Building static pages with React is a great way to improve the experience of a website. But how do they work, and how can you still get the static pages to change when your data changes?
Building static pages with React is a great way to improve the experience of a website. But how do they work, and how can you still get the static pages to change when your data changes?
The Builder Pattern
Elm doesn't have a concept of required and optional arguments. Every function takes all the arguments they specify, no more, no less. But sometimes we want to be able to specify only some arguments to a function, and use default values for the rest. The builder pattern is one solution to that challenge.
Elm doesn't have a concept of required and optional arguments. Every function takes all the arguments they specify, no more, no less. But sometimes we want to be able to specify only some arguments to a function, and use default values for the rest. The builder pattern is one solution to that challenge.
EU-Taksonomien – Den endelige kickstarter for bærekraftig forretning?
I gårsdagens luke skrev vi om hvordan bærekraft går fra å være en omdømmeparameter til en økonomisk nøkkelfaktor, og hvordan regulatoriske krav på både globalt og lokalt nivå spiller inn på selskapenes bærekraftsarbeid. Og i år kommer EU virkelig med en regulatorisk julegave – et klassifiseringssystem for bærekraft: EU-Taksonomien.
I gårsdagens luke skrev vi om hvordan bærekraft går fra å være en omdømmeparameter til en økonomisk nøkkelfaktor, og hvordan regulatoriske krav på både globalt og lokalt nivå spiller inn på selskapenes bærekraftsarbeid. Og i år kommer EU virkelig med en regulatorisk julegave – et klassifiseringssystem for bærekraft: EU-Taksonomien.
How to host a CTF?
A CTF is a hacking competition. The participants compete for the highest score, by hacking intentionally vulnerable apps. It's a great deal of fun competing, but how does one host a CTF? This is the story of how I've been doing it, and how my CTF rig has evolved.
A CTF is a hacking competition. The participants compete for the highest score, by hacking intentionally vulnerable apps. It's a great deal of fun competing, but how does one host a CTF? This is the story of how I've been doing it, and how my CTF rig has evolved.