I ❤️ open source.

I ❤️ open source as a manager. It fills my heart with joy knowing bugs can be fixed by teams other than my own, that perhaps we're not the biggest consumer of our software and that my team can get public recognition of their hard work.
I ❤️ open source as a developer. Public code is a showcase of my skills and interests and since most easy problems have already been solved, I can concentrate on providing my unique value to the projects I care about most.
I ❤️ open source as an architect. Many cloud-ready architectures are openly being worked on by the cloud providers, forever competing on making their particular pit of success steeper and deeper. As an example, the eShopOnContainers sample contains an always updated implementation of a cross-platform microservice architecture powered by containers and services in Azure.

I ❤️ open source as a designer who knows little of design. After all, everything is a remix and the basic elements of creativity are copy, transform and combine. Open source implementations of apps or services can be wonderful sources of inspiration and learning.

When thinking of your next app, you probably start with an idea based on some existing app:
It's like Shazam, but for food.

While creating Hotdog - Not Hotdog, wouldn't it be nice to use the source of another app as a starting point? In the world of cross-platform mobile development, you have many choices to do exactly that!
For Xamarin Forms, snppts.dev has a curated collection of app starting points. From the world's simplest weather app to ridesharing or your very own streaming service, they all come with a complete source repository giving you a perfect starting point for your next app.

But most of all, I ❤️ open source as a human being. It makes me and every other designer, manager or developer more productive. We build upon the knowledge of those who came before, helping each other to not make the same mistakes and enable those who come after to start at a better place than we did. Inspirational templates help us deliver digital products faster, better and cheaper.
How will you help tomorrow's remixer?