16. desember
Totalt 12 innlegg
Managing multiple installations of Java on a Mac
With the new release cadence of Java and vendor landscape, managing multiple versions of Java can become a tedious task. However, tooling exists to make your life simpler.
With the new release cadence of Java and vendor landscape, managing multiple versions of Java can become a tedious task. However, tooling exists to make your life simpler.
CSS Accessibility - get a move on, then stop!
Animations can be what sets your website apart, and really makes your users happy. It shows that you have gone that extra mile to create something really special, often with great care, and oftentimes, depending on the animation, with great effort.
Animations can be what sets your website apart, and really makes your users happy. It shows that you have gone that extra mile to create something really special, often with great care, and oftentimes, depending on the animation, with great effort.
Referential transparency - Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the effects
Inspirational Templates
I ❤️ open source.
I ❤️ open source.
Converting subjective data to objective data
The modern consumer is blessed with an endless supply of products and services that address their needs. In such a competitive environment, companies need to understand the driving forces shaping consumers perception of its products and services. How else can Burger King entice modern consumers into buying their milkshake from them instead of McDonalds? Or how can Nike convince the occasional jogger that their shoes are better than a pair of sneakers with the three tilted and iconic Adidas-stripes imprinted on the side?
The modern consumer is blessed with an endless supply of products and services that address their needs. In such a competitive environment, companies need to understand the driving forces shaping consumers perception of its products and services. How else can Burger King entice modern consumers into buying their milkshake from them instead of McDonalds? Or how can Nike convince the occasional jogger that their shoes are better than a pair of sneakers with the three tilted and iconic Adidas-stripes imprinted on the side?
WebAuthn - The simplest way to 2FA
We've covered FIDO2 in this year's eleventh calendar post, and with FIDO2 available the internet has all the tools need to lighten the load of the password. One of its results is the Web Authentication(WebAuthn) API, simplifying FIDO2 authentication for web browsers. Here are the basics to get started with a wide range of authenticators on your website.
We've covered FIDO2 in this year's eleventh calendar post, and with FIDO2 available the internet has all the tools need to lighten the load of the password. One of its results is the Web Authentication(WebAuthn) API, simplifying FIDO2 authentication for web browsers. Here are the basics to get started with a wide range of authenticators on your website.
If you are new to JavaScript, chances are that you might find it a bit confusing at times. This is with good reason as JavaScript is a language of many quirks packed with odd behaviors and inconsistency. Let's make JavaScript a bit less confusing by tackling one of the more overlooked quirk of JavaScript known as Hoisting.
If you are new to JavaScript, chances are that you might find it a bit confusing at times. This is with good reason as JavaScript is a language of many quirks packed with odd behaviors and inconsistency. Let's make JavaScript a bit less confusing by tackling one of the more overlooked quirk of JavaScript known as Hoisting.
Når bør innovasjon skilles ut fra daglig drift?
I alt snakket om smidig organisering, finnes det tilfeller hvor man i stedet bør drive med innovasjon på siden? Er det forskjell på store og små innovasjoner, bør vi bruke ordet innovasjon i det store og hele, og hvem bør egentlig jobbe med dette? Kaffe med Lars Kristian Flem, Hans Magnus Inderberg og Pia Solheim.
I alt snakket om smidig organisering, finnes det tilfeller hvor man i stedet bør drive med innovasjon på siden? Er det forskjell på store og små innovasjoner, bør vi bruke ordet innovasjon i det store og hele, og hvem bør egentlig jobbe med dette? Kaffe med Lars Kristian Flem, Hans Magnus Inderberg og Pia Solheim.
Managing Apps on GKE Using Helm
Overhead from calling? Not with inline!
On the JVM, calling a function or instantiating a class will always incur an overhead, unless the JVM runtime performs some magic. At least, that's how it used to be before Kotlin introduced the inline keyword. This article will give you a quick introduction to this fantastic keyword, and how it can help you!
On the JVM, calling a function or instantiating a class will always incur an overhead, unless the JVM runtime performs some magic. At least, that's how it used to be before Kotlin introduced the inline keyword. This article will give you a quick introduction to this fantastic keyword, and how it can help you!
Ambisjoner og måltall: hvordan vi jobbet med å finne teamets retning
En liten historie om hvordan produktteamet vårt prøvde seg frem for å finne ut hva vi ville få til. Hvordan vi jobbet frem noen ambisjoner og strevde med å finne gode måltall. Litt om hvordan vi måtte tenke noen hakk større enn vi var vant til. Og litt om at det ikke var lett.
En liten historie om hvordan produktteamet vårt prøvde seg frem for å finne ut hva vi ville få til. Hvordan vi jobbet frem noen ambisjoner og strevde med å finne gode måltall. Litt om hvordan vi måtte tenke noen hakk større enn vi var vant til. Og litt om at det ikke var lett.
Document your stuff with Docz
Having great documentation is what differentiates a great library from an ok one. I've spent the last couple of months creating a design system and its documentation site in Docz, and I'd like to share some experiences.
Having great documentation is what differentiates a great library from an ok one. I've spent the last couple of months creating a design system and its documentation site in Docz, and I'd like to share some experiences.